Donate to WMC

2024-2025 WMC Donation Goal

Collected: $39,219.00
Goal: $55,000.00

Want to see what your donations support?  Check out our Giving Partners!

Recognized Donation Levels

Silver - $150, includes a Sweatshirt Blanket

Gold - $300, includes a Sweatshirt Blanket and Bluetooth Speaker

Legend - $750, includes Sweatshirt Blanket, Bluethooth Speaker, Complimentary Registration for WashToberFest, Pecan Bowl, Spring Classic, & Ladies Night, AND priority registration to the Battle for the Bayou Golf Tournament (entry fees not included)!

This season of 2024-2025 we are are staying with the donation model as opposed to a membership model.  Membership is free for those who live as permanent residents zoned to Wilchester Elementary by registering here

Instead of the Membership Fees, we ask that you keep WMC’s mission robust by considering a donation to WMC. Many of our past and anticipated members work for companies that will match your donation. In this regard, WMC will assist your effort to maximize any donation you are inclined to make by providing whatever information you need to use your company’s match; request information for matching from Treasurer Taylor Scott here.

Donations of all levels are accepted and appreciated!! 

Wilchester Men's Club is a 501(c)(3) charity and your contribution may be deductible for income tax purposes. Please see your tax advisor for actual deductibility.

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*Amount ($USD)
 Payment frequency

Platinum Sponsors

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Differentiate your company from the competition by being part of WMC's Mission of "Doing Good"!  

Sponsorship Opportunities

©2022 by WMC.

Wilchester Men's Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

14053 Memorial Dr #321 Houston, TX 77079

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software